Central Library

  • Total Nos of books:  30,028 Nos.
  • Text books (Out of 30,028):  27,892 Nos
  • Reference books:  2,253 Nos
  • Journal: 8 Nos
  • Magazine: 4 Nos.
  • News Papers: 8 (National, Regional)
  • Online journal:  (NLIST) E-consortium
  • Manuscript: 9 Nos

Facilities Available Include

  • Computer with internet connectivity
  • Well furnished reading room.
  • Xerox at cheaper rate

Rules & Regulations of Central Library

  • The library timing is 9.00am to 4.00pm on all working days
  • A library card is issued to each student admitted newly. However, the students will have to apply for the same in an application form which can be obtained from the Library office.
  • A duplicate library card can be issued to the student if the original one is lost, for which he or she have to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- only.
  • In case of failure in returning the books within the stipulated time a student may have to pay a fine of Rs. 0.50 per day for each book.
  • Use of Mobile phones within the library is strictly prohibited.
  • Silence must be observed in the college library.
  • Any kind of personal items, viz. bags, books etc. are not allowed inside the library.